Playlist sorting


MOC version: 
1:2.6.0~svn-r3005-6 (debian Testing)

Been using MOC for a while, really love it. Would it be possible to make it possible to sort the whole playlist alphabetically instead of just having the song alphabetically sorted within the album. I know i could get rid of the album subdirectories and have all the songs under an artist subdirectory, but I can't be the only one who sorts this way.

Right now I don't think it is possible to be done within MOC. It should be possible to do it with outside script. MOC saves playlist in ~/.moc/playlist.m3u file. I tried writing simple perl script to sort the file, but didn't succeed. Another approach would be to build the playlist manually outside MOC and feed it inside. I do it at home to chose some songs with good ratings: I have a script to do it: Probably some modification of my code could do the trick.