Submitted by adrianbuzatu on Sat, 2011-07-23 07:25
When I click on them, a popup login window appears. I tried using my moc contact details, to no avail. What is there to do(ps: I would not would not want to download the sources from sourceforge cause they seem rather old - 2009 or so)
Sat, 2011-07-23 10:04
Thanks for the report, it's
Thanks for the report, it's fixed now. The SourceForce downloads are up-to-date, there is no newer version.
Sun, 2011-07-24 22:18
When will there be a new
When will there be a new release? :)
Mon, 2011-07-25 00:03
New Release
Yeah, good question. There are a number of new and requested
features in the pipeline, and several bugs still to be fixed.
I have in mind a point where a new release should be made and
will suggest to Damian that we do so when that point is reached,
but it's still some way off.
You can always get the latest development version from SVN (see, and it's usually fairly stable.
Thu, 2011-10-13 14:32
login/pass to download moc from ftp
I can´t download moc because the site is asking for login/password to access FTP... I tried my login account but it didn´t work.
What´s going on ???