Submitted by alexin on Sat, 2005-12-31 07:45
I just recently built MOC unstable. When I try to run mocp, I get the message "FATAL_ERROR: Can't recieve value from the server." Is this something with an easy and obvious fix, or should I provide more information for use in debugging?
Sat, 2005-12-31 08:49
First, make sure that the
First, make sure that the old version of mocp server is not running (ps ax | grep mocp should not display mocp processes).
If it still doesn't work, please run mocp -D and send me mocp_server_log and mocp_client_log. Also, what is your OS?
Damian Pietras - MOC developer
Mon, 2006-01-02 19:36
Aha. It was as you
Aha. It was as you suspected. It now works fine; thanks.