My minimalist "Fax" theme


MOC version: 

Just thought I'd share this theme I made, it's the one I use most often because my monitor shows colors weird.

# "fax" -- a simple black-on-white theme for MOC background = black white frame = black white window_title = black white directory = black white selected_directory = white black playlist = black white selected_playlist = white black file = black white selected_file = white black marked_file = black white underline marked_selected_file = white black bold info = black white underline selected_info = white black marked_info = black white underline marked_selected_info = white black bold status = black white title = black white state = black white current_time = black white time_left = black white total_time = black white time_total_frames = black white sound_parameters = black white legend = black white disabled = black white enabled = black white empty_mixer_bar = black white filled_mixer_bar = black white empty_time_bar = black white filled_time_bar = white black entry = black white entry_title = black white error = white black bold message = black white plist_time = black white

If anyone copies this theme they might want to add underline or bold to the enable record; I never shuffle or turn off autonext so I forgot to >_<