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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Forum topicBuilding moc RPMs for Fedora sagitter139 years 11 months ago
Forum topicMOC on windows doctor-demon29 years 12 months ago
Forum topicCygwin build vectis39 years 12 months ago
Forum topicHow to sort by tracknumber and disknumber feh410 years 1 week ago
Forum topicFATAL_ERROR: Can't send() int to the server. / FATAL_ERROR: Can't receive value from the server. Jangari810 years 3 weeks ago
Forum topicMOC 2.4.0 crashes on FreeBSD 5.5 jdevelop310 years 3 weeks ago
StoryMOC 2.5.0-beta1 Released jcf110 years 3 weeks ago
Forum topicFreeze when stopping while paused using JACK dimbulb0210 years 1 month ago
Forum topicmoc ain't playing OGG streams 8472310 years 1 month ago
Forum topicClient Freeze / Corrupt Tags Cache / 'rm -rf ~/.moc/cache' jcf110 years 1 month ago
Forum topicMOCP no sound & freezes with update to OSX 10.9.3 aloksharma310 years 1 month ago
Forum topicCrash when trying to play file over network. Server corrupted. wont start. Electricguy410 years 1 month ago
Forum topicMay be erroneous free in the io_curl.c's read_from_buffer() mattli310 years 1 month ago
Forum topicMOC crashes opening FLAC files canselleiro610 years 2 months ago
Forum topicProblems with Android-friendly keymap Wm.A.Weezl310 years 2 months ago
Forum topicSpam filter filters me? alfonzo1955410 years 2 months ago
Forum topicseparate tracks from a single file Nili410 years 2 months ago
Forum topicmoc FATAL_ERROR: Server exited! qinohe1710 years 2 months ago
Forum topicMocp skips through songs quickly after closing frontend and then reopening bin_bash1210 years 2 months ago
Forum topiccombine pause/unpause and play knallkopf110 years 3 months ago
Forum topicmocp freezes/locks-up orbisvicis210 years 3 months ago
Forum topicfilename cacplate310 years 3 months ago
Forum topicFeature Request: Command line switch to start server + playback llogiq110 years 3 months ago
Forum topicAutopause after x minutes or x song count harveyscoffee210 years 3 months ago
Forum topicmocp crashed when quitting and having open a folder on errorneous NTFS partition alois.mahdal610 years 3 months ago
