Crash when trying to play file over network. Server corrupted. wont start.


Greetings lads!
So i tried to play a MP3 file over the network from my home server. It somehow failed to read the data, crashed and locked up. I then tried to restart Moc, but it fails to start the server back up.

I have then tried to uninstall Moc, clean off residual files from it, and reinstalled it again, several times. But with no luck. Here is what it spits out if i give it a mocp -D

Loading plugins from /usr/lib/moc/decoder_plugins...
Loading plugin libaac_decoder...
Loading plugin libflac_decoder...
Loading plugin libmodplug_decoder...
Loading plugin libmp3_decoder...
Loading plugin libmusepack_decoder...
Loading plugin libsidplay2_decoder...
Loading plugin libsndfile_decoder...
Loading plugin libspeex_decoder...
Loading plugin libvorbis_decoder...
Loading plugin libwavpack_decoder...
Running the server...

FATAL_ERROR: Can't open server log file: Permission denied

FATAL_ERROR: Server exited!

And if i just type mocp and hit return, it gives back this:

Running the server...
Trying JACK...
Trying ALSA...

I know ALSA works, because i do get audio out from other software, and the hardware shows up just fine.

How do i solve this bug? I would really like to get it going again. Simply because it's just lovely when it works.


Do you have writing permission in your directory? Logs are created in the current dir, so "FATAL_ERROR: Can't open server log file: Permission denied" would suggest that there is access problem. The problem without -D might also be related to this - maybe MOC fails to create tag cache or something like that.

That i'm not too sure about. I'm not too experienced with Linux yet. But i'm getting there (i think, lol)
The odd thing is that it worked fine until that MP3 made it shit itself. I can't really see how that would change directory permissions.

But anyhow.. Where are the files located, and how do i change the permissions?
I've spent many hours on this without any luck, so anything will be worth a try.

Surely I'm not the only person in MOCland who knows about filesystem permissions!

C'mon guys, lend a hand and help "Electricguy" out. That will let me concerntrate on the more difficult problems to be solved before I can release MOC 2.5.0.

There are two problems here:

  • Why did MOC crash in the first place? Any evidence on that will have been obliterated by the repeated uninstall-clean-reinstall cycles, so unless it can be recreated I doubt there's anything we can do about that.
  • Why can't he get MOC running again? Answer: his permissions need to be sorted out (at least as the first step).

Surely I'm not the only person in MOCland who knows about filesystem permissions!

Evidently I am! Wow!