Submitted by daper on Tue, 2004-12-21 08:13
The development of MOC slowed down a bit, but don't worry, here is a new alpha release: 2.2.0-alpha2. The changes are:
- Displaying the total time of files on the playlist and in directories.
- Faster reading and saving playlists.
- Added --pause and --unpause command line parameters.
- Added G command: go to a directory when the currently played file is.
- Added U command: go to '..'.
- Added nightly_theme.
- Recognize if a file was modified and rereading tags and time if necessary.
- The cursor is hidden when it's not needed.
- Fixed sorting when using the A command.
- Position of time and format in menu is fixed.
- Searching for a theme in the user directory first.
- Fixed interrupting operations with CTRL-C in some places.
- Fixed a memory leak when reading OGG tags.
- Few fixes when running MOC with file names or directories as arguments.
- Fixed reading track numbers for mp3 files.
- Changed the erroneous name of the time_left_frames to time_total_frames in themes.