cant display greek characters

I'm using ubuntu 9.04 and have installed moc. But I cant find a way to display filenames with greek characters.Help?

Sorry for the mistake. the problem is at tags not at filenames

I see Greek characters in folder names, but none in file names; all are replaced by dots.
Any idea how to show Greek?


this bug has been fixed by meh and it's in SVN. You can compile it yourself and be happy :-) If only installing a development version is not enough try to tweak the ID3v1TagsEncoding setting in ~/.moc/config or even use the RCC library with its "UseRCC" setting in case you use ID3v1 tags.

but thanks for the reply!
I'm not experienced enough to compile and such, so your advice is noted for trying next year or so, when I know more about Linux :-)

Compiling is not hard :-) Anyway, I imagine there could be at least an alpha release coming out before spring comes, because I'm working on a quite big feature to be done in February, which might be an argument for a new release ;-) Then it only depends on your distro when the fix finally comes to you. I believe some distros package MOC's alphas or they should!