After a quick DDG search for sound-indicator in Ubuntu I found no description of what it was, but from what I've managed to piece together it talks directly to PulseAudio and not individual audio applications.
While a PulseAudio sound driver is in the pipeline for MOC (but awaiting a response from its contributor) you can use PulseAudio's ALSA emulation to route the output of MOC's ALSA sound driver through PulseAudio.
So the answer would appear to be that you can already achieve what you want, but in the absence of easily-found and clear information on sound-indicator this involves some guesswork.
I've looked again for a good technical description of "sound-indicator" but again found nothing. I did find a source package, but the README says exactly "", and I don't have time to go code diving.
The OP seems to have disengaged, so I'm entitled to assume he went away happy.
Tue, 2018-01-23 18:43
Does sound-indicator Control Applications Directly?
After a quick DDG search for sound-indicator in Ubuntu I found no description of what it was, but from what I've managed to piece together it talks directly to PulseAudio and not individual audio applications.
While a PulseAudio sound driver is in the pipeline for MOC (but awaiting a response from its contributor) you can use PulseAudio's ALSA emulation to route the output of MOC's ALSA sound driver through PulseAudio.
So the answer would appear to be that you can already achieve what you want, but in the absence of easily-found and clear information on sound-indicator this involves some guesswork.
Sun, 2018-02-11 16:01
I assume that Rhythmbox uses
I assume that Rhythmbox uses MPRISv2 DBus API for that. No special PulseAudio magic here
Mon, 2018-02-12 04:57
Gone Away Happy
I've looked again for a good technical description of "sound-indicator" but again found nothing. I did find a source package, but the README says exactly "", and I don't have time to go code diving.
The OP seems to have disengaged, so I'm entitled to assume he went away happy.
Mon, 2018-02-12 07:47
I'm almost sure he was
I'm almost sure he was talking about this sound indicator menu
Sun, 2018-02-11 16:08
I made an app for that. Can
I made an app for that. Can give you a link if you're still interested
Mon, 2018-02-12 08:10
Parser ate my message, but
here's what I did:

So the answer is: yes, it's possible. Only matters to a what extent you really wanna go :D
Sun, 2018-10-28 20:27
I'm back
I'm still using MOC but I didn't check this forum for a while :D
Could you give that link ?
Mon, 2018-10-29 07:55
Here it is
the link
Fri, 2018-11-02 10:00
Thank you It works great
Thank you
It works great