MOC freezes while loading playlist


MOC freezes while loading this example playlist

#EXTM3U #EXTINF:0,06 In Flagrante Delicto.ogg /home/blaze/music/Anaal Nathrakh/2016 The Whole of the Law/06 In Flagrante Delicto.ogg

Not sure why is that happening with this particular song.

version 2.6.0 svn revison 2935 on Debian/Ubuntu

Important note: "music" directory is a symbolic link. Otherwise it is not reproducible.

I cannot reproduce it. How do you load this playlist - "Enter" or "A"? Does it happen only with this file? I suppose you have disabled reading tags (hence time is zero) - is it important for the issue?

I found another variation of the issue: MOC freezes when I navigate into the directory with the problematic file, or I can add the file by "mocp --append <path>".
It looks like some file information cannot be read or added into cache when there is a symbolic link in the path. Works only for quite a few files, yet I found more of them. I believe symlink is crucial here.

Contact me via email if you want a file for testing.

Well, I've cleaned up the cache and the issue is gone. Now I feel stupid, like why I didn't do it before.

The whole issue is gone or just this variation?

The whole.

Good to hear that. I had a couple of tags cache related hangs in the past as well. Some information about the related issues can be found here:

However if you would find a way to reproduce the corruption, let us know.

The issue is gone and never appeared again. So it can be closed as I'm not able to provide the corrupted cache sample so far.