Flame: Grateful user's topic

MOC version: 

After using moc player for many-many years I'd like to just thank developers.

The only app I use more often is, understandably, midnight commander (used to be Norton commander in prev century) :D

Thank you guys for making my listening to (mainly) jazz so easy and comfortable.


This app has made my life so much better over the last some 15 years, I swear.
I came back to this forum right now with the only intention of expressing my gratefulness, and here I am in this thread.
I mean, I guess it's kinda easy to harvest these warm gratitude thankyous because everyone's listening to their favorite music with this app haha so theres an emotional attachment to it.
Tell me where to throw my money to to support the further survival of moc!

It's good to get such feedback from users and it is much appreciated -- I am pleased that MOC has been such a benefit to you. I shall pass it on to MOC's original author, Damian Pietras, as well.

MOC is not set up to receive donations and none is expected, but thank you for the offer. To those who offer such support, I would suggest that you make your donation to a worthy charity in your home country.

I'm sure MOC will survive, but at present it's in a sort of hiatus as it's proving really difficult to find the time it deserves. I still have a number of ideas which I wish to implement and it needs to brought up-to-date with contributions and library changes.