Stable: 2.5.2
Development: 2.6-alpha3
it request: mocp, python, lastfmsubmitd, notify-send, wget, Internet connection
how to use: satisfy all the dependencies. save script and change line " nick = 'Enter_your_nick_here'" in it. in moc-config file at option OnSongChange write " OnSongChange = "/path/2/script/nameOfScript "%a" "%t" "%d" "%r"" ". try to use it.
this script scrobbling song by lastfmsubmitd to and show picture of artist, name and title of song by notify.
you can find my script here
Fri, 2011-01-21 12:13
it more not request lastfmsubmitd and you don't have to change line " nick = 'Enter_your_nick_here'"
now it request: mocp, python, lastfm-lib, notify-send, wget, Internet connection
how to use: satisfy all the dependencies. in moc-config file at option OnSongChange write " OnSongChange = "/path/2/script/nameOfScript "%a" "%t" "%d" "%r"" ". try to use it.
you can find my script here